paint method
- ChartCanvas canvas,
- Rectangle<
num> bounds, { - List<
int> ? dashPattern, - Color? fillColor,
- FillPatternType? fillPattern,
- Color? strokeColor,
- double? strokeWidthPx,
void paint(ChartCanvas canvas, Rectangle<num> bounds,
{List<int>? dashPattern,
Color? fillColor,
FillPatternType? fillPattern,
Color? strokeColor,
double? strokeWidthPx}) {
final centerHeight = (bounds.bottom - / 2;
// If we have a dash pattern, do not round the end caps, and set
// strokeWidthPx to a smaller value. Using round end caps makes smaller
// patterns blurry.
final localDashPattern = dashPattern ?? _dashPattern;
final roundEndCaps = localDashPattern == null;
// If we have a dash pattern, the normal stroke width makes them look
// strangely tall.
final localStrokeWidthPx = localDashPattern == null
? getSolidStrokeWidthPx(strokeWidthPx ?? strokeWidth)
: strokeWidthForNonRoundedEndCaps;
// Adjust the length so the total width includes the rounded pixels.
// Otherwise the cap is drawn past the bounds and appears to be cut off.
// If bounds is not long enough to accommodate the line, do not adjust.
var left = bounds.left;
var right = bounds.right;
if (roundEndCaps && bounds.width >= minLengthToRoundCaps) {
left += roundEndCapsPixels;
right -= roundEndCapsPixels;
// TODO: Pass in strokeWidth, roundEndCaps, and dashPattern from
// line renderer config.
points: [Point(left, centerHeight), Point(right, centerHeight)],
dashPattern: localDashPattern,
fill: getSolidFillColor(fillColor),
roundEndCaps: roundEndCaps,
stroke: strokeColor,
strokeWidthPx: localStrokeWidthPx,