changelog_lib library

changelog-lib is a package that implement the basic blocks to create a changelog from a list of metadata pattern contained inside the commit body,

The usage of the commit body enable the possibility to leave the head of the commit free for the repository guide line and the communication between open source developers, and use the commit body to insert metadata useful for the changelog generation



changelog-lib is a package that implement the basic blocks to create a changelog from a list of metadata pattern contained inside the commit body,
changelog model abstract in a dart object all the information about the changelog that is generated from the chain of rules that filtered it.
commit_author contains all the information about the author all the necessary information that the a changelog need and also the information to generate the new contributors to the repository.
commit_content contains all the information about the commit, like the commit body, and commit header.
changelog_info contains the information about the changelog that can be feel from the developer point of view or the end user point of view to generate the commits
Filter Rule is the main dart class to implement a filter rule and it return the content of the match that will be put in the changelog.
fetcher_interface contains all the interface to fetch the list of commits between two tags or two commits