print method

  1. @override
Future<bool> print({
  1. required ChangelogInfo changelogInfo,
  2. String fileName = "CHANGELOG",

Take a list of commits and print and print in a specific format the changelog.


Future<bool> print(
    {required ChangelogInfo changelogInfo,
    String fileName = "CHANGELOG"}) async {
  var versionName = changelogInfo.versionName;
  var changelogContent = "# $versionName\n";
  for (var section in changelogInfo.sections.values) {
    if (section.changes.isNotEmpty) {
      changelogContent += "\n## ${section.sectionName}\n";
      for (var change in section.changes) {
        changelogContent +=
            "- ${change.content} ([commit](${change.ref ?? ""})). @${change.authorInfo.gitNickname} ${DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").format(change.authorInfo.commitDate)}\n";
  if (changelogContent.trim().isEmpty) {
    changelogContent += "No change to be aware!\n";
  // TODO open a changelog file if exit and load the content in one tmp string
  // TODO: add possibility to merge the beta change inside the official release, this required to parse the content of the readme in the section changelog again
  // TODO: make a file inside the changelog that give the possibility to check the pre release pattern name
  var file = File("$");
  if (!file.existsSync()) {
    file = await file.create(recursive: true);
  } else {
    var oldContent = await file.readAsString();
    if (oldContent.contains("${changelogInfo.versionName} ")) {
      throw Exception(
          "Version ${changelogInfo.versionName} already inside the changelog");
    file = await file.create(recursive: true);
    changelogContent += "\n\n$oldContent";
  var fileAccess = await FileMode.write);
  return true;