fetch method
Main method to fetch all the git information and generate the changelog from the source.
Future<List<CommitInfo>> fetch() async {
if (_client == null) {
List<CommitInfo> commits = [];
var tokens = githubRepo.split("/");
// TODO: what happens if there are no release?
var lastTag = await _client!.query(
query: Options$Query$GetLastTag(
variables: Variables$Query$GetLastTag(
owner: tokens[0],
name: tokens[1],
var rawLastTags = Query$GetLastTag.fromJson(lastTag).repository;
var releases = cleanListOfTags(rawLastTags);
if (releases.isEmpty) {
return commits;
var lastRelease = releases.first;
if (lastRelease == null) {
return commits;
var listCommits = await _client!.query(
query: Options$Query$GetLastCommits(
variables: Variables$Query$GetLastCommits(
owner: tokens[0],
name: tokens[1],
branch: fromBranch,
since: lastRelease.node!.createdAt,
var rawCommits = Query$GetLastCommits.fromJson(listCommits).repository;
var rawListCommit = cleanListOfCommit(rawCommits);
for (var rawCommit in rawListCommit) {
var author = CommitAuthor(
commitDate: DateTime.parse(rawCommit!.committedDate),
gitNickname: rawCommit.author?.user?.login ?? "",
email: rawCommit.author?.user?.email ?? "");
var commitBody = CommitContent(
commitHeader: rawCommit.messageHeadline,
commitBody: rawCommit.messageBody);
var commitInfo = CommitInfo(
author: author, content: commitBody, url: rawCommit.commitUrl);
return commits;