ChangeCase extension

Extensions getters on String to preform common, identifier-related conversions.



isLowerCase() bool
Checkes if whole string is lowercase.
isUpperCase() bool
Checkes if whole string is uppercase.
toCamelCase() String
Converts to a string with the separators denoted by having the next letter capitalized
toCapitalCase() String
Converts to a lowercased, first letter captialized word, space separated string of every word
toConstantCase() String
Converts to an upper case, underscore separated string
toDotCase() String
Converts to a lower case period separated string
toHeaderCase() String
Converts to a captialized word, dash separated string
toKebabCase() String
Converts to a lower case, dash separated string
toLowerFirstCase() String
Converts to a string with the first character lower cased
toNoCase() String
Converts the string without any casing (lower case, space separated)
toParamCase() String
Same as toKebabCase
toPascalCase() String
Converts to a string denoted in the same fashion as camel but with the first letter capitalized
toPathCase([String? separator]) String
Converts to a lower case, slash separated string
toSentenceCase() String
Converts to a lower case, space separated string with the first letter capitalized
toSnakeCase() String
Converts to a lower case, underscore separated string
toSpongeCase() String
Converts to a string with every character randomly lowercased/capitalized
toSwapCase() String
Converts to a string with every character case reversed
toTitleCase() String
Converts to a space separated string with the
toUpperFirstCase() String