copyWith method

Location copyWith({
  1. String? street,
  2. String? city,
  3. String? state,
  4. num? zip,

"If the caller passes in a value for a parameter, use that value, otherwise use the value of the corresponding field."

The copyWith function is a great example of the power of Dart's optional parameters

Args: street (String): The street address of the location. city (String): city ?? state (String): state ?? this.state zip (num): zip ??,

Returns: A new Location object with the same values as the original, except for the values that were passed in.


Location copyWith({
  String? street,
  String? city,
  String? state,
  num? zip,
}) {
  return Location(
    street: street ?? this.street,
    city: city ??,
    state: state ?? this.state,
    zip: zip ??,