Color sets available for the basic ANSI colors 0 - 15. These match
the colors I used for DartPad and VSCode also. There are versions
for light mode, dark mode and high contrast mode.
Available output modes for the color and styled text. The default is
ANSI output mode, setOutputMode() can be used on specific Chalk instances
to change this.
`Chalk.setDefaultOutputMode = true | false;' can be used to change the
default for future construction of Chalk instances.
The default is ChalkOutputMode.ansi
Extensions on the String class that allow you to use the Chalk methods
directly on Strings, ie.
'This will be red italic'.red.italic
'This will be red on yellow background'.red.onYellow
Read only, informational only.
Name of the ansi include file used supports_ansi.dart is the default,
or the version supports_ansi_io.dart
or the dart.library.js_interop version supports_ansi_web.dart.
Read only. Chalk does not use it's value although in some
situation a user might use this to set the Chalk ansi color level
(or something) I have left it here only for completeness.
Within the common debug consoles this variable is essentially
worthless because they return FALSE from both VSCode debug console
and IntelliJ/Android Studio debug consoles.
(This is because dart just checks for 'xterm' string being present in
the 'TERM' environmental variable of the console..)
See and for more info.