scoped abstract method

  1. @override
NativeSecureStorage scoped(
  1. String scope

Creates a new NativeStorage instance with the same configuration as this instance, but with the provided scope.

If the current instance already has a scope, the new instance will have a combined scope of both the current and provided scopes.

final parent = NativeStorage(scope: 'parent');
print(parent.scope); // 'parent'

final child = parent.scoped('child');
print(child.scope); // 'parent/child'

If scope begins with a /, it will be treated as an absolute scope and will replace the current scope.

final parent = NativeStorage(scope: 'parent');
print(parent.scope); // 'parent'

final child = parent.scoped('/child');
print(child.scope); // 'child'


NativeSecureStorage scoped(String scope);