CborValue constructor

  1. Object? object, {
  2. bool dateTimeEpoch = false,
  3. Object? toEncodable(
    1. dynamic object

Transform the Object into a CborValue.

Throws CborCyclicError if cyclic references exist inside object.

The object is transformed according to the following relations.

Input Output
null CborNull
CborValue CborValue (unchanged)
double CborFloat
int CborSmallInt
BigInt CborInt
bool CborBool
Uint8List CborBytes
String CborString
DateTime CborDateTime
Uri CborUri
Iterable CborList
Map CborMap

If dateTimeEpoch is false, DateTime is transformed into CborDateTimeString, and otherwise into CborDateTimeInt or CborDateTimeFloat depending on the sub-second resolution.

The toEncodable function is used during encoding. It is invoked for values that are not directly encodable to a CborValue. The function must return an object that is directly encodable. The elements of a returned list and values of a returned map do not need to be directly encodable, and if they aren't, toEncodable will be used on them as well. Please notice that it is possible to cause an infinite recursive regress in this way, by effectively creating an infinite data structure through repeated call to toEncodable.

If toEncodable is omitted, it defaults to a function that returns the result of calling .toCbor() on the unencodable object.


factory CborValue(
  Object? object, {
  bool dateTimeEpoch = false,
  Object? Function(dynamic object)? toEncodable,
}) =>
      dateTimeEpoch: dateTimeEpoch,
      toEncodable: toEncodable ?? (object) => object.toCbor(),