
Binaries for Couchbase Lite + Dart.

Warning: This is an internal package for cbl and its API should not be considered public.

Binaries versioning

This package does not contain the actual binaries. Its primary purpose is to declare dependencies on a version of the binaries. The binaries for a specific released are attached to a corresponding GitHub release, with a tag such as cbl_native-v0.1.0.

A consumer (cbl_ffi) declares a dependency with a version constraint which allows updates for patch and minor releases.

A provider (cbl_flutter) declares a dependency with an exact version constraint.

Constraint resolution, in the package which uses a consumer and provider, will fail if the versions of cbl_native are incompatible.

Installing binaries

This package contains a command line tool (bin/binary_url.dart), which can output the urls for the binary archives of supported platforms. The tool can also download and unpack the archives into a specified directory.

