join abstract method

  1. @override
SyncJoins join(
  1. JoinInterface join0, [
  2. JoinInterface? join1,
  3. JoinInterface? join2,
  4. JoinInterface? join3,
  5. JoinInterface? join4,
  6. JoinInterface? join5,
  7. JoinInterface? join6,
  8. JoinInterface? join7,
  9. JoinInterface? join8,
  10. JoinInterface? join9,

Creates and returns a JOIN clause query component with the given joins.


SyncJoins join(
  JoinInterface join0, [
  JoinInterface? join1,
  JoinInterface? join2,
  JoinInterface? join3,
  JoinInterface? join4,
  JoinInterface? join5,
  JoinInterface? join6,
  JoinInterface? join7,
  JoinInterface? join8,
  JoinInterface? join9,