enableAutoPurge property

bool enableAutoPurge
getter/setter pair

Whether to automatically purge a document when the user looses access to it, on the server.

The default value is true which means that the document will be automatically purged by the pull replicator when the user loses access to the document.

When the property is set to false, documents for which the user has lost access remain in the database.

Regardless of value of this option, when the user looses access to a document, an access removed event will be sent to any document change streams that are active on the replicator.

Because of performance optimization in the replicator, document replications need to be listened to before starting the replicator. If the listener is added after the replicator is started, the replicator needs to be stopped and restarted again to ensure that the listener will get the document replication events.

See also:


bool enableAutoPurge;