findWithScores method
Finds objects matching the query associated to their query score (e. g. distance in NN search). The resulting list is sorted by score in ascending order.
Returns a list of ObjectWithScore that matching objects and their score, sorted by score in ascending order.
This only works on objects with a property with an HnswIndex.
List<ObjectWithScore<T>> findWithScores() {
final result = <ObjectWithScore<T>>[];
final errorWrapper = ObjectVisitorError();
visitCallback(Pointer<OBX_bytes_score> data) {
try {
final item = data.ref;
final object = _entity.objectFromData(_store,, item.size);
final score = item.score;
result.add(ObjectWithScore(object, score));
return true;
} catch (e) {
errorWrapper.error = e;
return false;
visitWithScore(_ptr, visitCallback);
return result;