Enforcer class



Enforcer([String modelPath = '', String policyFile = ''])
Initializes an enforcer.
Enforcer.fromModelAndAdapter(Model model, [Adapter? adapter])
Enforcer.fromModelPathAndAdapter(String modelPath, Adapter adapter)
Enforcer.fromModelPathAndPolicyFile(String modelPath, String policyFile)


adapter Adapter
getter/setter pairinherited
getter/setter pairinherited
autoNotifyDispatcher bool
getter/setter pairinherited
autoNotifyWatcher bool
getter/setter pairinherited
autoSave bool
getter/setter pairinherited
dispatcher Dispatcher?
getter/setter pairinherited
eft Effector
getter/setter pairinherited
fm FunctionMap
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
logger Logger
getter/setter pairinherited
model Model
getter/setter pairinherited
modelCount int
getter/setter pairinherited
modelPath String
getter/setter pairinherited
rm RoleManager
getter/setter pairinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
watcher Watcher?
getter/setter pairinherited


addFunction(String name, Function function) → void
addFunction adds a customized function. name the name of the new function. function the function.
addGroupingPolicy(List<String> params) bool
addGroupingPolicy adds a role inheritance rule to the current policy. If the rule already exists, the function returns false and the rule will not be added. Otherwise the function returns true by adding the new rule.
addNamedGroupingPolicy(String ptype, List<String> params) bool
addNamedGroupingPolicy adds a named role inheritance rule to the current policy. If the rule already exists, the function returns false and the rule will not be added. Otherwise the function returns true by adding the new rule.
addNamedPolicy(String ptype, List<String> params) bool
AddNamedPolicy adds an authorization rule to the current named policy. If the rule already exists, the function returns false and the rule will not be added. Otherwise the function returns true by adding the new rule.
addPermissionForUser(String user, List<String> permission) bool
addPermissionForUser adds a permission for a user or role. Returns false if the user or role already has the permission (aka not affected).
addPoliciesInternal(String sec, String ptype, List<List<String>> rules) bool
addPolicies adds multiple rules to the current policy.
addPolicy(List<String> params) bool
addPolicy adds an authorization rule to the current policy. If the rule already exists, the function returns false and the rule will not be added. Otherwise the function returns true by adding the new rule.
addPolicyInternal(String sec, String ptype, List<String> rule) bool
addPolicy adds a rule to the current policy.
addPolicyList(List<String> params) bool
addPolicy adds an authorization rule to the current policy. If the rule already exists, the function returns false and the rule will not be added. Otherwise the function returns true by adding the new rule.
addRoleForUser(String user, String role) bool
addRoleForUser adds a role for a user. Returns false if the user already has the role (aka not affected).
addRoleForUserInDomain(String user, String role, String domain) bool
addRoleForUserInDomain adds a role for a user inside a domain. Returns false if the user already has the role (aka not affected).
buildIncrementalRoleLinks provides incremental build the role inheritance relations. op Policy operations. ptype policy type. rules the rules.
Manually rebuild the role inheritance relations.
clearPolicy() → void
Clears all policy.
deletePermission(List<String> permission) bool
deletePermission deletes a permission. Returns false if the permission does not exist (aka not affected).
deletePermissionForUser(String user, List<String> permission) bool
deletePermissionForUser deletes a permission for a user or role. Returns false if the user or role does not have the permission (aka not affected).
deletePermissionsForUser(String user) bool
deletePermissionsForUser deletes permissions for a user or role. Returns false if the user or role does not have any permissions (aka not affected).
deleteRole(String role) → void
deleteRole deletes a role.
deleteRoleForUser(String user, String role) bool
deleteRoleForUser deletes a role for a user. Returns false if the user does not have the role (aka not affected).
deleteRoleForUserInDomain(String user, String role, String domain) bool
deleteRoleForUserInDomain deletes a role for a user inside a domain. Returns false if the user does not have the role (aka not affected).
deleteRolesForUser(String user) bool
deleteRolesForUser deletes all roles for a user. Returns false if the user does not have any roles (aka not affected).
deleteUser(String user) bool
deleteUser deletes a user. Returns false if the user does not exist (aka not affected).
Controls whether to save a policy rule automatically to the adapter when it is added or removed.
enableAutoSave(bool autoSave) → void
Controls whether to save a policy rule automatically to the adapter when it is added or removed.
enableEnforce(bool enable) → void
Changes the enforcing state of Casbin, when Casbin is disabled, all access will be allowed by the enforce() function.
enableLog(bool enable) → void
Changes whether to print Casbin log to the standard output.
enforce(List rvals) bool
Returns whether a "subject" can access a "object" with the operation "action", input parameters are usually: sub, obj, act.
getAdapter() Adapter
Returns the current adapter.
getAllActions() List<String>
getAllActions gets the list of actions that show up in the current policy.
getAllNamedActions(String ptype) List<String>
GetAllNamedActions gets the list of actions that show up in the current named policy.
getAllNamedObjects(String ptype) List<String>
getAllNamedObjects gets the list of objects that show up in the current named policy.
getAllNamedRoles(String ptype) List<String>
getAllNamedRoles gets the list of roles that show up in the current named policy.
getAllNamedSubjects(String ptype) List<String>
GetAllNamedSubjects gets the list of subjects that show up in the current named policy.
getAllObjects() List<String>
getAllObjects gets the list of objects that show up in the current policy.
getAllRoles() List<String>
getAllRoles gets the list of roles that show up in the current policy.
getAllSubjects() List<String>
getAllSubjects gets the list of subjects that show up in the current policy.
getDomainIndex(String ptype) int
getFilteredGroupingPolicy(int fieldIndex, dynamic fieldValues) List<List<String>>
getFilteredGroupingPolicy gets all the role inheritance rules in the policy, field filters can be specified.
getFilteredNamedGroupingPolicy(String ptype, int fieldIndex, List<String> fieldValues) List<List<String>>
getFilteredNamedGroupingPolicy gets all the role inheritance rules in the policy, field filters can be specified.
getFilteredNamedPolicy(String ptype, int fieldIndex, List<String> fieldValues) List<List<String>>
getFilteredNamedPolicy gets all the authorization rules in the named policy, field filters can be specified.
getFilteredPolicy(int fieldIndex, List<String> fieldValues) List<List<String>>
getFilteredPolicy gets all the authorization rules in the policy, field filters can be specified.
getGroupingPolicy() List<List<String>>
getGroupingPolicy gets all the role inheritance rules in the policy.
getModel() Model
Returns the current model.
getNamedGroupingPolicy(String ptype) List<List<String>>
getNamedGroupingPolicy gets all the role inheritance rules in the policy.
getNamedPolicy(String ptype) List<List<String>>
getNamedPolicy gets all the authorization rules in the named policy.
getPermissionsForUser(String user, List<String> domain) List<List<String>>
getPermissionsForUser gets permissions for a user or role.
getPermissionsForUserInDomain(String user, String domain) List<List<String>>
getPermissionsForUserInDomain gets permissions for a user or role inside a domain.
getPermittedActions(String sub, String obj) Set<String>
getPermittedActions returns all valid actions to specific object for current subject. At present, the execution efficiency of this method is not high. Please avoid calling this method frequently.
getPolicy() List<List<String>>
getPolicy gets all the authorization rules in the policy.
getRolesForUser(String name) List<String>
getRolesForUser gets the roles that a user has.
getRolesForUserInDomain(String name, String domain) List<String>
getRolesForUserInDomain gets the roles that a user has inside a domain.
getUsersForRole(String name) List<String>
getUsersForRole gets the users that has a role.
hasGroupingPolicy(List<String> params) bool
hasGroupingPolicy determines whether a role inheritance rule exists. params the "g" policy rule, ptype "g" is implicitly used. return whether the rule exists.
hasNamedGroupingPolicy(String ptype, List<String> params) bool
hasNamedGroupingPolicy determines whether a named role inheritance rule exists. ptype the policy type, can be "g", "g2", "g3", .. params the "g" policy rule. return whether the rule exists.
hasNamedPolicy(String ptype, List<String> params) bool
hasNamedPolicy determines whether a named authorization rule exists.
hasPermissionForUser(String user, List<String> permission) bool
hasPermissionForUser determines whether a user has a permission.
hasPolicy(List<String> params) bool
hasPolicy determines whether an authorization rule exists.
hasRoleForUser(String name, String role) bool
hasRoleForUser determines whether a user has a role.
isAutoNotifyDispatcher() bool
isAutoNotifyWatcher() bool
isFiltered() bool
Returns if the loaded policy has been filtered.
loadFilteredPolicy(dynamic filter) → void
Reloads a filtered policy from file/database.
loadModel() → void
Reloads the model from the model CONF file. Because the policy is attached to a model, so the policy is invalidated and needs to be reloaded by calling loadPolicy().
loadPolicy() → void
Reloads the policy from file/database.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeFilteredGroupingPolicy(int fieldIndex, List<String> fieldValues) bool
removeFilteredGroupingPolicy removes a role inheritance rule from the current policy, field filters can be specified. fieldIndex the policy rule's start index to be matched. fieldValues the field values to be matched, value "" means not to match this field. return succeeds or not.
removeFilteredNamedGroupingPolicy(String ptype, int fieldIndex, List<String> fieldValues) bool
removeFilteredNamedGroupingPolicy removes a role inheritance rule from the current named policy, field filters can be specified. ptype the policy type, can be "g", "g2", "g3", .. fieldIndex the policy rule's start index to be matched. fieldValues the field values to be matched, value "" means not to match this field. return succeeds or not.
removeFilteredNamedPolicy(String ptype, int fieldIndex, List<String> fieldValues) bool
removeFilteredNamedPolicy removes an authorization rule from the current named policy, field filters can be specified.
removeFilteredPolicy(int fieldIndex, List<String> fieldValues) bool
removeFilteredPolicy removes an authorization rule from the current policy, field filters can be specified.
removeFilteredPolicyInternal(String sec, String ptype, int fieldIndex, List<String> fieldValues) bool
removeFilteredPolicyInternal removes rules based on field filters from the current policy.
removeGroupingPolicy(List<String> params) bool
removeGroupingPolicy removes a role inheritance rule from the current policy.
removeNamedGroupingPolicy(String ptype, List<String> params) bool
removeNamedGroupingPolicy removes a role inheritance rule from the current named policy.
removeNamedPolicy(String ptype, List<String> params) bool
removeNamedPolicy removes an authorization rule from the current named policy.
removePoliciesInternal(String sec, String ptype, List<List<String>> rules) bool
removePoliciesInternal removes rules from the current policy.
removePolicy(List<String> params) bool
removePolicy removes an authorization rule from the current policy.
removePolicyInternal(String sec, String ptype, List<String> rule) bool
removePolicy removes a rule from the current policy.
savePolicy() → void
Saves the current policy (usually after changed with Casbin API) back to file/database.
setAdapter(Adapter adapter) → void
Sets the current adapter.
setAutoNotifyDispatcher(bool autoNotifyDispatcher) → void
setAutoNotifyWatcher(bool autoNotifyWatcher) → void
setDispatcher(Dispatcher dispatcher) → void
Sets the current dispatcher.
setEffector(Effector eft) → void
Sets the current effector.
setModel(Model model) → void
setModel sets the current model.
setRoleManager(RoleManager rm) → void
Sets the current role manager.
setWatcher(Watcher watcher) → void
Sets the current watcher.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateNamedPolicy(String ptype, List<String> params1, List<String> params2) bool
updateNamedPolicy updates an authorization rule to the current named policy.
updatePermissionForUser(String user, List<String> oldPermission, List<String> newPermission) bool
updatePermissionForUser updates a permission for a user or role. Returns false if the user or role already has the permission (aka not affected).
updatePolicy(List<String> params1, List<String> params2) bool
updatePolicy update an authorization rule to the current policy. params1 the old rule. params2 the new rule. returns succeeds or not.
updatePolicyInternal(String sec, String ptype, List<String> oldRule, List<String> newRule) bool
updatePolicy updates an authorization rule from the current policy.
validateEnforce(List<String> rvals) bool


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.