get method

Reads the collection referenced by this CollectionReference from the server.

If no collection exists on the server (yet), this local CollectionReference is returned.


Future<CollectionReference> get() async {
  final restHeaders = headers;

  debug('REQUEST: GET $collectionUri\n');

  final response =
      await httpr.get(Uri.encodeFull(collectionUri), headers: restHeaders);
  int httpStatusCode = response.statusCode;

  debug('RESPONSE: $httpStatusCode\n${response.body}\n');

  Map<String, dynamic> responseJson =
      json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
  if (httpStatusCode == HttpStatus.ok) {
    return this
      .._id = responseJson['id'] as int
      .._path = responseJson['name'].toString();

  // All other cases are treated as an error.
  throw CarpServiceException(
    httpStatus: HTTPStatus(httpStatusCode, response.reasonPhrase),
    message: responseJson['message'].toString(),
    path: responseJson["path"].toString(),