getConsentDocument method

  1. @Deprecated('The Informed Consent endpoints are deprecated in CAWS. ' 'Informed Consent is uploaded as [InformedConsentInput] participant input ' 'data using a [ParticipationReference].')
Future<ConsentDocument> getConsentDocument(
  1. int id, {
  2. String? studyDeploymentId,

Get a previously uploaded (signed) consent document with document id.

If studyDeploymentId is specified use this, otherwise use the study deployment id from


@Deprecated('The Informed Consent endpoints are deprecated in CAWS. '
    'Informed Consent is uploaded as [InformedConsentInput] participant input '
    'data using a [ParticipationReference].')
Future<ConsentDocument> getConsentDocument(
  int id, {
  String? studyDeploymentId,
}) async {
  String url = "${getConsentDocumentEndpointUri(studyDeploymentId)}/$id";

  // GET the consent document from the CARP web service
  http.Response response = await _get(Uri.encodeFull(url));

  debug('RESPONSE: ${response.statusCode}\n${response.body}');

  int httpStatusCode = response.statusCode;
  Map<String, dynamic> responseJson =
      json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;

  if (httpStatusCode == HttpStatus.ok) return ConsentDocument._(responseJson);

  // All other cases are treated as an error.
  throw CarpServiceException.fromMap(httpStatusCode, responseJson);