setParticipantData method

  1. @override
Future<ParticipantData> setParticipantData(
  1. String studyDeploymentId,
  2. Map<String, Data> data, [
  3. String? inputByParticipantRole

Set data that was inputByParticipantRole in the study deployment with studyDeploymentId.

If inputByParticipantRole is null, all roles can set it. If you want to set data that was assigned to a specific participant role, inputByParticipantRole needs to be set.

Returns all data for the specified study deployment, including the newly set data.


Future<ParticipantData> setParticipantData(
  String studyDeploymentId,
  Map<String, Data> data, [
  String? inputByParticipantRole,
]) async =>
    await participation(studyDeploymentId)
        .setParticipantData(data, inputByParticipantRole);