CARP Survey Sampling Package

This library contains a sampling package for collecting user-generated data using the CARP Research Package. This includes surveys or cognitive tests via the CARP Cognition Package. This package support the creation of a RPAppTask which can be added to a CAMS study protocol.

Read more on the Research Package API and how to create a survey and how to create a cognitive test on the CARP website.


To use this package, add the following to you pubspc.yaml file. Note that this package only works together with carp_mobile_sensing.

  carp_mobile_sensing: ^latest
  carp_survey_package: ^latest

Using it

To use this package, import it into your app together with the carp_mobile_sensing package:

import 'package:carp_core/carp_core.dart';
import 'package:carp_mobile_sensing/carp_mobile_sensing.dart';
import 'package:carp_survey_package/survey.dart';

Before creating a study and running it, register this package in the SamplingPackageRegistry.


Once this is in place, a survey can be added as a RPAppTask to a CAMS protocol like this:

  // add a WHO-5 survey as an app task
  // plus collect device and ambient light information when survey is done
      DelayedTrigger(delay: Duration(seconds: 30)),
          type: SurveyUserTask.WHO5_SURVEY_TYPE,
          name: 'WHO-5 Survey',
          rpTask: who5Task)
        ..measures.add(Measure(type: DeviceSamplingPackage.DEVICE))
        ..measures.add(Measure(type: SensorSamplingPackage.LIGHT)),

See the example.dart file for a full example.


A library for collecting survey from the Research Package: