BufferingPeriodicProbe class abstract

An type of probe which collects data for a period of time and then return a measurement from this collected data.

Probes of this type uses a PeriodicSamplingConfiguration that specify the interval of starting sampling, and the duration of the sampling window. Once this sampling window is over, the final measurement is collected from the getMeasurement method and send to the main measurements stream.

When sampling starts, the onSamplingStart handle is called. When the sampling window ends, the onSamplingEnd handle is called.



configuration → Measure?
The configuration of this executor as set when initialized.
no setterinherited
deployment SmartphoneDeployment?
The deployment that this executor is part of executing.
no setterinherited
deviceManager DeviceManager<DeviceConfiguration<DeviceRegistration>>
The device that this probes uses to collect data.
getter/setter pairinherited
enabled bool
Is this probe enabled, i.e. available for collection of data using the start method.
getter/setter pairinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isStarting bool
Is this executor in the process of being started?
no setterinherited
measure → Measure?
The Measure that configures this probe.
no setterinherited
measurements Stream<Measurement>
The stream of Measurement collected by this executor.
no setterinherited
permissions List<Permission>
The list of permissions needed for this probe.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
samplingConfiguration PeriodicSamplingConfiguration?
The sampling configuration for this probe.
no setteroverride
state ExecutorState
The runtime state of this executor.
no setterinherited
stateEvents Stream<ExecutorState>
The runtime state changes of this executor.
no setterinherited
timer Timer?
getter/setter pair
type String?
The data type this probe is collecting.
no setterinherited


addError(Object error, [StackTrace? stacktrace]) → void
Add error to the measurements stream.
addMeasurement(Measurement measurement) → void
Add measurement to the measurements stream.
arePermissionsGranted() Future<bool>
Does this probe has the permissions needed to run?
dispose() → void
Dispose of this executor.
error() → void
getMeasurement() Future<Measurement?>
Subclasses should implement / override this method to collect the Measurement. This method will be called every time data has been buffered for a duration and should return the final Measurement for the buffered data.
initialize(Measure configuration, [SmartphoneDeployment? deployment]) → void
Configure and initialize the executor before starting it.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onDispose() Future<void>
Callback when this executor is disposed.
onInitialize() bool
Callback when this executor is initialized. Returns true if successfully initialized, false otherwise.
onRestart() Future<bool>
Callback when this executor is to be restarted. Returns true if the executor is ready to restart (default), false otherwise.
onSamplingEnd() → void
Handler called when sampling period ends.
onSamplingStart() → void
Handler called when sampling period starts.
onStart() Future<bool>
Callback when this executor is started. Returns true if successfully started, false otherwise.
onStop() Future<bool>
Callback when this executor is stopped. Returns true if successfully stopped, false otherwise.
requestPermissions() Future<bool>
Request the permissions needed for this probe to run. Return true if all permissions are granted. Only used on Android - iOS automatically request permissions when a resource (like the microphone) is accessed.
restart() → void
Restart the executor.
start() → void
Start the executor.
stop() → void
Stop the executor. Stopped until start or restart is called.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.