restoreDeployment method

Future<SmartphoneDeployment?> restoreDeployment(
  1. String deploymentId

Restore the SmartphoneDeployment with the deploymentId from local cache. Returns a SmartphoneDeployment if successful, null otherwise.


Future<SmartphoneDeployment?> restoreDeployment(String deploymentId) async {
  info("$runtimeType - Restoring deployment, deploymentId: $deploymentId");
  SmartphoneDeployment? deployment;
  try {
    final List<Map<String, Object?>> maps = await database?.query(
          columns: [DEPLOYMENT_COLUMN],
          where: '$DEPLOYMENT_ID_COLUMN = ?',
          whereArgs: [deploymentId],
        ) ??
    if (maps.isNotEmpty) {
      final jsonString = maps[0][DEPLOYMENT_COLUMN] as String;
      deployment = SmartphoneDeployment.fromJson(
          json.decode(jsonString) as Map<String, dynamic>);
  } catch (exception) {
    warning('$runtimeType - Failed to restore deployment - $exception');

  return deployment;