scheduleRecurrentNotifications abstract method

Future<int> scheduleRecurrentNotifications({
  1. int? id,
  2. required String title,
  3. String? body,
  4. required RecurrentScheduledTrigger schedule,

Schedule recurrent notifications with id, title, and body at the schedule time.

Allows for daily, weekly, and monthly recurrence according to the schedule.

Note that RecurrentScheduledTrigger.separationCount and RecurrentScheduledTrigger.end are not used, i.e. days / weeks / months cannot be skipped in the scheduled and the notifications keeps recurring indefinitely. If you want to stop a recurrent notification schedule, use the cancelNotification method.

If the id is not specified, a random id will be generated.

Returns the id of the notification created.


Future<int> scheduleRecurrentNotifications({
  int? id,
  required String title,
  String? body,
  required RecurrentScheduledTrigger schedule,