onStart method

  1. @override
Future<bool> onStart()

Callback when this executor is started. Returns true if successfully started, false otherwise.


Future<bool> onStart() async {
  // sampling might be started after [startTime] or the app wasn't running at [startTime]
  // therefore, first check if the random timers have been scheduled for today
  if (TimeOfDay.now().isAfter(startTime)) {
    if (!hasBeenScheduledForToday) {
          '$runtimeType - timers has not been scheduled for today ($todayString) - scheduling now');

  // set up a cron job that generates the random triggers once pr day at [startTime]
  final cronJob = '${startTime.minute} ${startTime.hour} * * *';
  debug('$runtimeType - creating cron job : $cronJob');

  _cron.schedule(cron.Schedule.parse(cronJob), () async {
    debug('$runtimeType - resuming cron job : ${DateTime.now().toString()}');
  return true;