initialize method

Future<void> initialize({
  1. bool enableNotifications = true,

Initialize and set up the app controller.

Caches app tasks based on the studyDeploymentId, if Settings().saveAppTaskQueue is true.

If enableNotifications is true, a notification will be added to the phone's notification system when a task is enqueued via the enqueue method.


Future<void> initialize({bool enableNotifications = true}) async {
  if (Settings().saveAppTaskQueue) {
    // listen to events and save the queue every time it is modified
    userTaskEvents.listen((_) async => await saveQueue());

  // set up a timer which cleans up in the queue once an hour
  Timer.periodic(const Duration(hours: 1), (timer) {
    for (var task in userTasks) {
      if (task.expiresIn != null && task.expiresIn!.isNegative) {

  notificationsEnabled = enableNotifications;
  if (notificationsEnabled) {
    await SmartPhoneClientManager().notificationController?.initialize();