scheduleNotification method

  1. @override
Future<void> scheduleNotification(
  1. UserTask task

Schedule a notification for a task at the UserTask.triggerTime.


Future<void> scheduleNotification(UserTask task) async {
  // early out if not to be scheduled
  if (!task.notification) return;

  // early out if has already been scheduled
  // this is relevant for AwesomeNotification since it makes notifications
  // persistent across app re-start
  if (task.hasNotificationBeenCreated) {
    debug('$runtimeType - task has already been scheduled - task: $task');

  if (task.triggerTime.isAfter( {
    final time = tz.TZDateTime.from(
        task.triggerTime, tz.getLocation(Settings().timezone));

    await AwesomeNotifications().createNotification(
        content: NotificationContent(
            channelKey: 'scheduled_channel',
            title: task.title,
            body: task.description,
            notificationLayout: NotificationLayout.Default),
        schedule: NotificationCalendar.fromDate(
            date: task.triggerTime, allowWhileIdle: true));
    task.hasNotificationBeenCreated = true;
    debug('$runtimeType - Notification scheduled for $task at $time');
  } else {
    warning('$runtimeType - Can only schedule a notification in the future. '
        'task trigger time: ${task.triggerTime}.');