configure method

  1. @override
Future<DeviceRegistration> configure({
  1. DeploymentService? deploymentService,
  2. DeviceDataCollectorFactory? deviceController,
  3. String? deviceId,
  4. NotificationController? notificationController,
  5. bool enableNotifications = true,
  6. bool askForPermissions = true,

Configure this SmartPhoneClientManager by specifying:

  • deploymentService - where to get study deployments. If not specified, the SmartphoneDeploymentService will be used.
  • deviceController that handles devices connected to this client. If not specified, the default DeviceController is used.
  • deviceId - this device's id in study deployments. If not specified, the OS's device id is used.
  • notificationController - what NotificationController to use for notifications. Two alternatives exists: FlutterLocalNotificationController or AwesomeNotificationController. If not specified, the AwesomeNotificationController is used.
  • enableNotifications - should notification be enabled and send to the user when an app task is triggered?
  • askForPermissions - automatically ask for permissions for all sampling packages at once. Default to true. If you want the app to handle permissions, set this to false.


Future<DeviceRegistration> configure({
  DeploymentService? deploymentService,
  DeviceDataCollectorFactory? deviceController,
  String? deviceId,
  NotificationController? notificationController,
  bool enableNotifications = true,
  bool askForPermissions = true,
}) async {
  // initialize device settings
  await DeviceInfo().init();
  await Settings().init();

  // create and register the built-in data managers

  // set default values, if not specified
  deviceId ??= DeviceInfo().deviceID;
  // _notificationController =
  //     notificationController ?? FlutterLocalNotificationController();
  _notificationController =
      notificationController ?? AwesomeNotificationController();
  this.deploymentService = deploymentService ?? SmartphoneDeploymentService();
  this.deviceController = deviceController ?? DeviceController();

  // initialize the app task controller singleton
  await AppTaskController()
      .initialize(enableNotifications: enableNotifications);

  // setting up permissions
  if (askForPermissions) await askForAllPermissions();


  print('  CARP Mobile Sensing (CAMS) - $runtimeType');
  print('           device ID : $deviceId');
  print('  deployment service : ${this.deploymentService}');
  print('   device controller : ${this.deviceController}');
  print('   available devices : ${this.deviceController.devicesToString()}');

  return super.configure(
    deploymentService: this.deploymentService!,
    deviceController: this.deviceController,
    deviceId: deviceId,