registerDevice method

  1. @override
Future<StudyDeploymentStatus> registerDevice(
  1. String studyDeploymentId,
  2. String deviceRoleName,
  3. DeviceRegistration registration

Register the device with the specified deviceRoleName for the study deployment with studyDeploymentId.

registration is a matching configuration for the device with deviceRoleName.


Future<StudyDeploymentStatus> registerDevice(
  String studyDeploymentId,
  String deviceRoleName,
  DeviceRegistration registration,
) async {
  StudyDeploymentStatus? status;
  if (isConfigured()) {
    try {
      status = await CarpDeploymentService()
          .registerDevice(studyDeploymentId, deviceRoleName, registration);
    } on CarpServiceException catch (cse) {
      // a CarpServiceException is typically because the device is already registred
      warning('$runtimeType - $cse');
      status = await getStudyDeploymentStatus(studyDeploymentId);
    } catch (error) {
      // other errors can be rethrown
  if (status != null)
    return status;
    throw CarpBackendException(
        "Could not register device in $runtimeType - id: '$studyDeploymentId'");