getDeviceDeploymentFor method

  1. @override
Future<MasterDeviceDeployment> getDeviceDeploymentFor(
  1. String studyDeploymentId,
  2. String masterDeviceRoleName

Get the deployment configuration for the master device with masterDeviceRoleName in the study deployment with studyDeploymentId.


Future<MasterDeviceDeployment> getDeviceDeploymentFor(
  String studyDeploymentId,
  String masterDeviceRoleName,
) async {
  SmartphoneDeployment? deployment;

  if (isConfigured()) {
    // get the protocol from the study protocol manager
    protocol = await manager.getStudyProtocol(studyDeploymentId);

    // create the smartphone deployment
    deployment = SmartphoneDeployment.fromSmartphoneStudyProtocol(
      studyDeploymentId: studyDeploymentId,
      masterDeviceRoleName: masterDeviceRoleName,
      protocol: protocol,

    // set the user id of the deployment to the account id of the logged in user
    deployment.userId ??= CarpService().currentUser?.accountId;

    info("Study deployment was read from CARP - id: $studyDeploymentId");


  // register a CARP data manager which can upload data back to CARP

  if (deployment != null) {
    return deployment;
  } else
    throw CarpBackendException(
        "Could not get deployment in $runtimeType - id: '$studyDeploymentId'");