initialize method

Future initialize(
  1. DataEndPoint dataEndPoint,
  2. MasterDeviceDeployment deployment,
  3. Stream<DataPoint> data

Initialize the data manager by specifying the dataEndPoint, study deployment, and the stream of data events to handle.


Future initialize(
  DataEndPoint dataEndPoint,
  MasterDeviceDeployment deployment,
  Stream<DataPoint> data,
) async {
  super.initialize(dataEndPoint, deployment, data);
  assert(dataEndPoint is CarpDataEndPoint);
  carpEndPoint = dataEndPoint as CarpDataEndPoint;

  if ((carpEndPoint.uploadMethod == CarpUploadMethod.FILE) ||
      (carpEndPoint.uploadMethod == CarpUploadMethod.BATCH_DATA_POINT)) {
    // make sure that files are not zipped if using batch upload
        carpEndPoint.uploadMethod == CarpUploadMethod.BATCH_DATA_POINT
            ? == false
            : true,
        'Files uploaded to CARP must not be zipped.');

    // Create a [FileDataManager] and wrap it.
    fileDataManager = new FileDataManager();

    // merge the file data manager's events into this CARP data manager's event stream => addEvent(event));

    // listen to data manager events, but only those from the file manager and only closing events
    // on a close event, upload the file to CARP
        .where((event) => event.runtimeType == FileDataManagerEvent)
        .where((event) => event.type == FileDataManagerEventTypes.FILE_CLOSED)
        .listen((event) =>
            _uploadDatumFileToCarp((event as FileDataManagerEvent).path));

    // initialize the file data manager
    fileDataManager.initialize(dataEndPoint, deployment, data);
  _initialized = true;
  await user; // This will trigger authentication to the CARP server