getLocalizations method

  1. @override
Future<Map<String, String>?> getLocalizations(
  1. Locale locale, {
  2. bool refresh = false,
  3. bool cache = true,

Get localization mapping as json for the specified locale.

Locale json is named according to the locale languageCode. For example, the Danish translation is named da

If there is no language resouce, null is returned.


Future<Map<String, String>?> getLocalizations(
  Locale locale, {
  bool refresh = false,
  bool cache = true,
}) async {
  Map<String, dynamic>? result;

  // first try to get local cache
  if (!refresh) {
    try {
      String filename = await _cacheLocalizationFilename(locale);
      info('Getting language locale from cache : $filename');
      String jsonString = File(filename).readAsStringSync();
      result = json.decode(jsonString) as Map<String, dynamic>;
    } catch (exception) {
          "Failed to read localization from cache of type '$locale' - $exception");

  // if no local cache (or refresh is true)
  if (result == null) {

    info('Getting language locale from server. '
        'study_id: ${CarpService().app?.studyId}, '
        'path: ${_getLocalizationsPath(locale)}');
    DocumentSnapshot? document =
        await CarpService().document(_getLocalizationsPath(locale)).get();

    info('Localization downloaded : $document');

    // result = (document != null) ? : null;
    result = document?.data;

    if (cache && result != null) {
      info("Saving localiztion for '$locale' to local cache.");
      try {
        final json = jsonEncode(result);
        File(await _cacheLocalizationFilename(locale))
      } catch (exception) {
        warning("Failed to save local cache for '$locale' - $exception");

  return (result != null)
      ?, value) => MapEntry(key, value.toString()))
      : null;