saveStudyProtocol method

Future<bool> saveStudyProtocol(
  1. String studyId,
  2. SmartphoneStudyProtocol protocol

Upload a study protocol to the CARP web server.

Normally, this method would take a CAMSStudyProtocol as the protocol. studyId is ignored, since in CARP protocols are independent from studies.

Note that in the CARP backend, a CAMS study is empbedded as a CustomProtocolTask and deployed as part of a so-called Participation for a user, with a specific studyDeploymentId.

Throws a CarpServiceException if not successful.


Future<bool> saveStudyProtocol(
  String studyId,
  SmartphoneStudyProtocol protocol,
) async {
  throw CarpServiceException(
          'There is no support for saving studies in the CARP web service from the client (yet).');