animateToPage method

Future<void> animateToPage(
  1. int page, {
  2. Duration? duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
  3. Curve? curve = Curves.linear,

Animates the controlled CarouselSlider from the current page to the given page.

The animation lasts for the given duration and follows the given curve. The returned Future resolves when the animation completes.


Future<void> animateToPage(int page, {Duration? duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300), Curve? curve = Curves.linear}) async {
  final bool isNeedResetTimer = _state!.options.pauseAutoPlayOnManualNavigate;
  if (isNeedResetTimer) {
  final index = getRealIndex(_state!.pageController!.page!.toInt(), _state!.realPage - _state!.initialPage, _state!.itemCount);
  int smallestMovement = page - index;
  if (_state!.options.enableInfiniteScroll && _state!.itemCount != null && _state!.options.animateToClosest) {
    if ((page - index).abs() > (page + _state!.itemCount! - index).abs()) {
      smallestMovement = page + _state!.itemCount! - index;
    } else if ((page - index).abs() > (page - _state!.itemCount! - index).abs()) {
      smallestMovement = page - _state!.itemCount! - index;
  await _state!.pageController!.animateToPage(_state!.pageController!.page!.toInt() + smallestMovement, duration: duration!, curve: curve!);
  if (isNeedResetTimer) {