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⭐️ The best type-safe wrapper over SharedPreferences.


Why should I prefer to use cardoteka instead of the original shared_preferences? The reasons are as follows:

  • 🧭 your keys and default values are stored in a systematic and organized manner. You don't have to think about where to stick them.
  • 🎼 use get or set instead of a heap of getBool, setDouble, getInt, getStringList, setString... Think about the entities being stored, not how to store or retrieve them.
  • 📞 update the state as soon as new data arrives in the storage. No to code duplication - use Watcher.
  • 🧯 have to frequently check the value for null before saving? Use the getOrNull and setOrNull methods and don't worry about anything!
  • 🚪 do you still need access to dynamic methods from the original library? It's still there if you specify with AccessToSP.

Table of contents

How to use?

  1. Define your cards: specify the type to be stored and the default value. Additionally, specify converters if the value type cannot be represented in the existing DataType enumeration:
import 'package:cardoteka/cardoteka.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide Card;

enum SettingsCards<T extends Object> implements Card<T> {
   userColor(, Color(0x00FF4BFF)),
   themeMode(DataType.string, ThemeMode.light),
   isPremium(DataType.bool, false),

   const SettingsCards(this.type, this.defaultValue);

   final DataType type;

   final T defaultValue;

   String get key => name;

   static Map<SettingsCards, Converter> get converters => const {
      themeMode: EnumAsStringConverter(ThemeMode.values),
      userColor: Converters.colorAsInt,

  1. Define storage for cards and mix in functionality as you see fit:
class SettingsCardoteka extends Cardoteka with WatcherImpl {
  SettingsCardoteka({required super.config});
  1. Perform initialization (once) via Cardoteka.init and take advantage of all the features of your cardoteka: save, read, delete, listen to your saved data using typed cards:
main() async {
  await Cardoteka.init();
  final cardoteka = SettingsCardoteka(
    config: CardotekaConfig(
      name: 'settings',
      cards: SettingsCards.values,
      converters: SettingsCards.converters,

  final log = StringBuffer('All notifications for SettingsCards.themeMode:\n');
    (value) => log.writeln('-> $value'),
    onRemove: () => log.writeln('-> has been removed from storage'),
    detacher: (onDetach) {
      // pass onDetach to whoever is responsible for the lifetime of the object

  ThemeMode themeMode = cardoteka.get(SettingsCards.themeMode);
  print(themeMode); // will return default value -> ThemeMode.light

  await cardoteka.set(SettingsCards.themeMode, ThemeMode.dark); // first log
  themeMode = cardoteka.get(SettingsCards.themeMode);
  print(themeMode); // ThemeMode.dark

  // you can use generic type to prevent possible errors when passing arguments
  // of different types
  await cardoteka.set<bool>(SettingsCards.isPremium, true);
  await cardoteka.set<Color>(SettingsCards.userColor, Colors.deepOrange);

  await cardoteka.remove(SettingsCards.themeMode); // second log
  Map<Card<Object?>, Object> storedEntries = cardoteka.getStoredEntries();
  // {
  //   SettingsCards.userColor: Color(0xffff5722),
  //   SettingsCards.isPremium: true
  // }

  await cardoteka.removeAll(); // third log
  storedEntries = cardoteka.getStoredEntries();
  print(storedEntries); // {}

  print(log); // All notifications for SettingsCards.themeMode:
  // -> ThemeMode.dark
  // -> has been removed from storage
  // -> has been removed from storage

Don't worry! If you do something wrong, you will receive a detailed correction message in the console.

Use with...

All the most up-to-date examples can be found in the example/lib folder of this project. Here are just some simple practices to use with different tools.


You will need a notifier (by the way, stop extending on it. Use with instead of extends) and one helper method for caching callbacks for later calling them when the notifier is disposed. For now, you can implement this yourself as a mixin:

mixin NotifierDetacher on ChangeNotifier {
  List<VoidCallback>? _onDisposeCallbacks;

  void onDispose(void Function() cb) {
    _onDisposeCallbacks ??= [];

  void dispose() {
    _onDisposeCallbacks?.forEach((cb) =>;
    _onDisposeCallbacks = null;


This feature "from the package" will be implemented later. Now you can take part in the discussion #9 (🥺) of the API of this aspect.

Now you can define your notifier with the required number of states and then attach a callback (you can attach as many callbacks to the card as you like):

import 'package:cardoteka/cardoteka.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide Card;

class OrderNotifier with ChangeNotifier, NotifierDetacher {
  final _orders = <String>[];

  void addOrder(String value) {
    print('New order: $value');

class CardotekaImpl = Cardoteka with WatcherImpl;

Future<void> main() async {
  await Cardoteka.init();
  // ignore_for_file: definitely_unassigned_late_local_variable
  // to☝️do: create an instance of cardoteka and pass configuration with cards
  late CardotekaImpl cardoteka;
  late Card<String> lastOrderCard;

  final notifier = OrderNotifier();
     detacher: notifier.onDispose,

  await cardoteka.set(lastOrderCard, '#341');
  // 1. a value was saved to storage
  // 2. console-> New order: #341


Everything is very similar (and not surprising, heh) to the example with ChangeNotifier. But instead of using NotifierDetacher let's implement this in a concrete class:

class CurrentTaskNotifier extends ValueNotifier {

  VoidCallback? _onDetach;

  void onDispose(void Function() cb) => _onDetach = cb;

  void dispose() {

Now all the same ingredients, but let's also add the fireImmediately flag to get the actual value in our notifier at once:

import 'package:cardoteka/cardoteka.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' hide Card;

class CardotekaImpl = Cardoteka with WatcherImpl;

Future<void> main() async {
  await Cardoteka.init();
  // ignore_for_file: definitely_unassigned_late_local_variable
  // to☝️do: create an instance of cardoteka and pass configuration with cards
  late CardotekaImpl cardoteka;
  late Card<String> card; // with default value = 'no business...'

  final notifier = CurrentTaskNotifier('');
    (value) {
      notifier.value = value;
      print('New case: $value');
    detacher: notifier.onDispose, // attention to this line
    fireImmediately: true, // callback will fire immediately

  await cardoteka.set(card, 'new case available!');
  // 1. console-> New case: no business...
  // 2. a value was saved to storage
  // 3. console-> New case: new case available!

However, if you don't like throwing empty values (perhaps adhering to the "don't use magic constants" principle), then use this option (fully equivalent):

final notifier = CurrentTaskNotifier(card.defaultValue);
  (value) {
    notifier.value = value;
    print('New case: $value');
  detacher: notifier.onDispose,

Cubit (bloc)

This is about using it in conjunction with the bloc package. First we need to implement "detachability":

import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show VoidCallback;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show protected;

/// Perhaps this mixin will be included in the package in one form or another...
mixin Detachability {
  List<VoidCallback>? _onDisposeCallbacks;

  void onDetach(void Function() cb) {
    _onDisposeCallbacks ??= [];

  void detach() {
    _onDisposeCallbacks?.forEach((cb) =>;
    _onDisposeCallbacks = null;

Participate in the discussion (🙏) to implement such functionality into the package: Way to remove a callback using Watcher.attach + Cubit · Issue #10 · PackRuble/cardoteka.

Next we define our cubit and logic, mix Detachability to it and override the behavior of the close method:

import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';

class CubitImpl extends Cubit<int> with Detachability {

  void setValue(int value) => emit(value);

  void onChange(Change<int> change) {
    print('Value has been changed:${change.currentState}->${change.nextState}');

  Future<void> close() async {
    return super.close();

We can now interact with Cardoteka in this way:

import 'package:cardoteka/cardoteka.dart';

class CardotekaImpl = Cardoteka with WatcherImpl;

Future<void> main() async {
  await Cardoteka.init();
  // ignore_for_file: definitely_unassigned_late_local_variable
  // to☝️do: create an instance of cardoteka and pass configuration with cards
  late CardotekaImpl cardoteka;
  late Card<int> counterCard; // defaultValue = 99

  final cubit = CubitImpl(counterCard.defaultValue);
    detacher: cubit.onDetach,

  await cardoteka.set(counterCard, 321);
  // 1. a value was saved to storage
  // 2. console-> Value has been changed:99->321

Provider (riverpod)

This is about using it in conjunction with the riverpod package. First, you need to create a "Cardoteka" provider for your storage instance and your desired state provider:

import 'package:cardoteka/cardoteka.dart';
import 'package:riverpod/riverpod.dart';

// ignore_for_file: definitely_unassigned_late_local_variable
// to☝️do: create an instance of cardoteka and pass configuration with cards
late CardotekaImpl cardoteka;
late Card<RoomDoorState> doorStateCard; // defaultValue = RoomDoorState.ajar

final cardotekaProvider = Provider<CardotekaImpl>((ref) {
  return cardoteka;

final doorStateProvider = Provider<RoomDoorState>((ref) {
        (value) => ref.state = value,
        onRemove: () => ref.state = RoomDoorState.unknown,
        detacher: ref.onDispose,

Note that using StateProvider is not necessary because the state change will occur automatically when the value in the store changes.

The usage code will look like this:

Future<void> main() async {
  await Cardoteka.init();
  final container = ProviderContainer();

  RoomDoorState doorState =;
  print('$doorState'); // lastOrderCard.defaultValue-> RoomDoorState.ajar

  doorState =;
  // 1. a value was saved to storage
  // 2. the callback we passed to `attach` is called.
  // 3. print->

  doorState =;
  // 1. a value was removed from storage
  // 2. the function we passed to `onRemove` is called.
  // 3. print-> RoomDoorState.unknown


The structure of the library is very simple! Below are the main classes you will have to work with.

Basic elements of Cardoteka Purpose
Card Key to the storage to interact with it
CardotekaConfig Configuration file for a Cardoteka instance
Converter & Converters Transforming objects to interact with storage


Main class for implementing your own storage instance. Contains all the basic methods for working with SharedPreferences in a typed style. Serves as a wrapper over SP. Use as many implementations (and instances) as needed, passing a unique name in the parameters. Use mixins to extend functionality.

Mixin for Cardoteka Purpose
Watcher<-WatcherImpl To implement wiretapping based on callbacks
AccessToSP To access the original SharedPreferences
CRUD To simulate crud operations


Every instance of Cardoteka needs cards. The card contains the characteristics of your key (name, default value, type) that is used to access the storage. It is convenient to implement using the enum enumeration, but you can also use the usual class, which is certainly less convenient and more error-prone. Important: is used as a key within the SP, so if the name is changed, the data will be lost (virtually, but not physically).


Converters are used to convert your object into a simple type that can be stored in storage. There are 5 basic types available:

enum DataType Basic Dart type
bool bool
int int
double double
string String
stringList List<String>

If the default value type specified in the card is not the Dart base type, you must provide the converter as a parameter when creating the Cardoteka instance. You can create your own converter based on the Converter class by implementing it. For collections, use CollectionConverter by extending it (or use Converter). However, many converters are already provided out of the box, including for collections.

Converter Representation of an object in storage
->_ColorConverter Color as int
->_UriConverter Uri as String
->_DurationConverter Duration as int
->_DateTimeConverter DateTime as String
->_DateTimeAsIntConverter DateTime as int
->_NumConverter num as double
->_NumAsStringConverter num as String
->EnumAsStringConverter Iterable<Enum> as String
->EnumAsIntConverter Iterable<Enum> as int
->IterableConverter Iterable<E> as List<String>
->ListConverter List<E> as List<String>
->MapConverter Map<K, V> as List<String>


I will mention Watcher and its implementation WatcherImpl separately. This is a very nice option that allows you to update your state based on the attached callback. The most important method is attach. Its essence is the ability to attach a callback that will be triggered whenever a value is stored (set or setOrNull methods) in the storage. As parameters, you can specify:

  • onRemove -> to notify when a value is removed from storage (remove or removeAll methods)
  • detacher -> when listening no longer makes sense
  • fireImmediately -> to fire callback at the moment the attach method is called

Calling the attach method returns the actual value from storage OR the default value by card if none exists in storage.

It is important to emphasize that you can implement your own solution based on Watcher.


The most important "core" is covered by the tests part and all the places that needed covering in my opinion. There are badges at the very beginning of the current file where you can see the percentage of coverage, among other things. Or, click on the image below. It's relevant for releases.

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You can contact me or check out my activities on the following platforms:

Stop thinking that something is impossible. Make your dreams come true! Move towards your goal as if the quality of your code depends on it! And of course, use good libraries❣️

With respect to everyone involved, Ruble.


The best type-safe wrapper over SharedPreferences.