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Dart library for Cardinal namespaces

This library is a partial dart implementation of Cardinal's namespace protocol, specifically enabling the use of Twitter handles as wallet identification in Flutter applications.


  1. Return a given wallet's registered Twitter handle

    final String twitterHandle = await tryGetName(
        environment: SolanaEnvironment, // mainnet | devnet | localnet
        namespacePublicKey: PublicKey, // Cardinal namespaces program's public key, value provided in this package as 'NAMESPACES_PROGRAM_ID'
        publicKey: PublicKey // wallet's public key to query as a string
  2. Return a given Twitter handle's registered wallet public key

    final PublicKey publicKey = await getNameEntry(
        environment: SolanaEnvironment, // mainnet | devnet | localnet
        namespace: String, // Twitter namespaces id, value provided in this package as 'twitterNamespace'
        twitterHandle: String // Twitter handle to query as a string

Further Help & Documentation

We will continue to update documentation as often as possible. But if you need help, feel free to reach out in our Dialect Discord server.