translateErrorMessage function

String translateErrorMessage({
  1. required DioError dioError,
  2. String? subject,

blockfrost error codes to user readable messages


String translateErrorMessage({required DioError dioError, String? subject}) {
  if (dioError.response == null) {
    return dioError.message;
  final prefix = isBlank(subject) ? '' : "$subject ";
  var suffix = '';
  if (dioError.response != null && dioError.response!.data != null) {
    if (dioError.response!.data is Map) {
      suffix += dioError.response!.data['error'] ?? '';
      if (isNotBlank(suffix)) suffix += ': ';
      suffix += dioError.response!.data['message'] ?? '';
    } else {
      suffix += dioError.response!.data.toString();
  if (isNotBlank(suffix)) suffix += ': $suffix';
  switch (dioError.response!.statusCode) {
    case 400: //HTTP 400 return code is used when the request is not valid.
      return "${prefix}request is not valid$suffix";
    case 402: //HTTP 402 return code is used when the projects exceed their daily request limit.
      return "exceded blockfrost daily request limit$suffix";
    case 403: //HTTP 403 return code is used when the request is not authenticated.
      return "not authenticated$suffix";
    case 404: // HTTP 404 return code is used when the resource doesn't exist.
      return "${prefix}doesn't exist$suffix"; // HTTP 418 return code is used when the user has been auto-banned for flooding too much after previously receiving error code 402 or 429.
    case 418:
      return "auto-banned from blockfrost$suffix";
    case 429: // HTTP 429 return code is used when the user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time and therefore has been rate-limited.
      return "rate-limited: sent too many requests$suffix";
    case 500: //  HTTP 500 return code is used when our endpoints are having a problem.
      return "blockfrost server having problems$suffix";
      return "unknown blockfrost error: ${dioError.response!.statusCode}$suffix";