calculateTimeToLive method

Future<Result<int, String>> calculateTimeToLive()

Set the time range in which this transaction is valid. Time-to-live (TTL) - represents a slot, or deadline by which a transaction must be submitted. The TTL is an absolute slot number, rather than a relative one, which means that the ttl value should be greater than the current slot number. A transaction becomes invalid once its ttl expires. Currently each slot is one second and each epoch currently includes 432,000 slots (5 days).


Future<Result<int, String>> calculateTimeToLive() async {
  if (isCurrentSlotUnsetOrStale) {
    final result = await _blockchainAdapter!.latestBlock();
    if (result.isErr()) {
      return Err(result.unwrapErr());
    } else {
      final block = result.unwrap();
      _currentSlot = block.slot;
      _currentSlotTimestamp = block.time;
  if (_ttl != 0) {
    if (_ttl < _currentSlot) {
      return Err(
          "specified ttl of $_ttl can't be less than current slot: $_currentSlot");
    return Ok(_ttl);

  return Ok(_currentSlot + defaultTtlDelta);