showCupertino function

bool showCupertino(
  1. BuildContext? context,
  2. bool? showMaterialonIOS, {
  3. bool mockIOS = false,

this centralizes code to determine if we want to display the cupertino version or the material version, since this can be determined by several settings throughout the package


bool showCupertino(
  BuildContext? context,
  bool? showMaterialonIOS, {
  bool mockIOS = false,
}) {
  bool defaultValue = false;

  // don't show on web
  if (kIsWeb) return defaultValue;

  // if we are on iOS then determine if we want material
  if (mockIOS || Platform.isIOS) {
    // if showMaterialonIOS not specified calculate it
    if (showMaterialonIOS == null) {
      showMaterialonIOS = defaultValue;

      if (context != null)
        // set showMaterialOnIOS to parent CardSettings value
        showMaterialonIOS =
            CardSettings.of(context)?.showMaterialonIOS ?? defaultValue;

    return !showMaterialonIOS;

  // material by default
  return defaultValue;