Card91 reset atm pin plugin

This package is used to change the ATM pin of the card associated with card91 card holders. This package directly communicates to Card91 SDK.


Package directly communicate with the SDK (secured platform) to change the ATM Pin of the card.

Getting started

Add the widget package on your pubspec version $ flutter pub add card91_reset_atmpin

Use this package as a library

Depend on it Run this command: With Flutter: $ flutter pub add card91_reset_atmpin

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit flutter pub get): dependencies:card91_reset_atmpin: (updated version)

Alternatively, your editor might support flutter pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Import it Now in your Dart code, you can use: import 'package:card91_reset_atmpin/card91_reset_atm_pin.dart';


Open the widget by passing the required parameter to use it. Check out the below code snippet for the same. Sample code below

import 'package:card91_reset_atmpin/card91_reset_atmpin.dart';
    () => Card91ResetAtmPin(
    cardId: "##@^#^#@^@^",
    token: "@%%@Y@FYFHFH@GFHH@GH",

Input parameter for CardViewItemWidget

|Name               |Type   |Required |Description
|---                |---    |---      |
|cardId             |string |true     |cardId which has been received form login token service (Card91 API)
|token              |string |true     |Auth Token received from the Card91 APIs
|phoneNumber        |string |true     |Mobile number of the card holder ( format +91-88******23 )
|env                |string |true     |based on env base url for webview will change eg. PROD, PROD_SANDBOX
|onDataResponse     |Function |true   |Add a call back function to receive the error & success event

Basic call back event type

Event Types that can be handled

"C91_RESET_PIN_SUCCESS":Called when the server-side APIs load successfully. At this time, ATM pin change is successfully done..

"C91_RESET_PIN_OTP_SCREEN_INITIALISED": Called when the server-side ATM pin changes OTP screen loads successfully.