classes/gen/property_ids library
- ButtonsState
- The mask to apply for each button that is pressed
- CapturePropertyIds
- Ids associated with different properties in capture events.
- CapturePropertyTypes
- ConnectBeepConfig
- The connect beep configuration allows to turn off or on the connection beep when the scanner connects
- ConnectReason
- defines the reason as of how the device connects to the host
- Counter
- identifiers for the statistic counters
- DataConfirmationBeep
- Define the sound for data confirmation
- DataConfirmationLed
- Define the LED for data confirmation
- DataConfirmationMode
- Data Confirmation Mode indicates what is expected to the send the Data ACK back to the scanner
- DataConfirmationRumble
- Define the rumble for data confirmation
- DataFormat
- Identifies the data format the device should send the data to the host
- DeletePairing
- Delete the pairing of the device
- DeviceDataAcknowledgment
- Device Data Acknowledgment mode
- Disconnect
- Disconnect parameters to instruct the device what to do after disconnection
- Flash
- Define the flash setting
- LassoDeviceStatus
- Define the Lasso experience
- LocalDecodeAction
- Define the action for a local decode
- MonitorDbg
- Define the monitor feature (DEBUG build only)
- Notifications
- Configuration masks for selecting the notifications the device should send to the host
- PowerState
- Define the possible power states
- ProfileConfig
- Configure a profile for the device (None, Acceptor, Initiator)
- ProfileSelect
- Select a profile for the device (None, SPP, HID, Reader, Coupler)
- RumbleActionType
- Rumble configuration for the a type of action
- SecurityMode
- Security Mode
- SocketCam
- Define the SocketCam experience
- SoundActionType
- sound configuration for the a type of action
- SoundFrequency
- Sound frequency configuration
- StandConfig
- The stand configuration defines the operational mode of the device when used with a stand.
- StartUpRoleSpp
- The start up role SPP defines the start up role when using the SPP profile.
- ThemeSelection
- The mask to apply for each theme
- ThemeSelectionMask
- Mask for the Theme selection property. It applies the theme selection on the given device(s) set with the mask
- Timer
- Identifies the timers used in the device, (trigger lock, disconnected, connected)
- Trigger
- trigger parameter
- TriggerMode
- defines the operational mode of the device