transportHelper method

Future<int?> transportHelper(
  1. AppInfo appInfo,
  2. Function eventNotification, [
  3. CaptureOptions? options

Initialize transport for capture.


Future<int?> transportHelper(AppInfo appInfo, Function eventNotification,
    [CaptureOptions? options]) async {
  const int maxRetries = 10;
  const int retryMilliseconds = 250;

  final Logger finalLogger = logger ?? defaultLogger;

  if (options != null) {
    transport = options.transport ?? Transport().getTransport(finalLogger);
    host = ?? defaultHost;
  } else {
    transport = Transport().getTransport(finalLogger);

  for (int retryCount = 0; retryCount < maxRetries; retryCount++) {
    try {
      clientOrDeviceHandle = await transport!.openClient(host, appInfo,
          (dynamic event, int handle) {
        // ignore: avoid_dynamic_calls
        return eventNotification(event, handle);
      break; // Break out of the loop if the operation is successful
    } on CaptureException {
      if (retryCount == maxRetries - 1) {
      await Future<dynamic>.delayed(
          const Duration(milliseconds: retryMilliseconds));
    } catch (e) {
      if (retryCount == maxRetries - 1) {
        // If this is the last retry and it still fails, throw an exception
        throw CaptureException(SktErrors.ESKT_COMMUNICATIONERROR,
            'There was an error during communication.', e.toString());
      // Wait for a short duration before retrying
      await Future<dynamic>.delayed(
          const Duration(milliseconds: retryMilliseconds));
  return clientOrDeviceHandle;