openClient method
Piggyback Capture's openClient and use parameters and interfaces unique to http connections Implement JSON Rpc protocols.
/// Piggyback Capture's openClient and use parameters and interfaces unique to http connections
/// Implement JSON Rpc protocols.
Future<int> openClient(
String host, AppInfo appInfo, Function notification) async {
final JRpcRequest jsonRpc =
JRpcRequest(id: _getJsonRpcId(), method: 'openclient', params: appInfo);
final RegExp exp = RegExp(r'(http|ftp|https):'); = '$host/Capture/v1/api';
hostWebsocket = host.replaceAll(exp, 'ws:');
onEventNotification = notification as void Function(dynamic p1, int p2)?;
try {
final JRpcResponse response = await sendRequest(jsonRpc);
final CaptureResult? result = response.captureResult;
if (result != null) {
return result.handle;
} else {
throw CaptureException(SktErrors.ESKT_NOERROR, 'No error.');
} on CaptureException {
} catch (ex) {
throw CaptureException(SktErrors.ESKT_COMMUNICATIONERROR,
'There was an error during communication.', ex.toString());