sendRequest method
Helper function for constructing, validating and handling various HTTP requests for capture.
Future<JRpcResponse> sendRequest(JRpcRequest request) async {
final String uriString = host ?? '';
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriString);
final Map<String, String> headers = <String, String>{
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
// ignore: prefer_function_declarations_over_variables
Future<JRpcResponse> helper(JRpcRequest jsonRpc) async {
try {
final String jsonRpcString = json.encode(jsonRpc.toJson());
logger?.log('${jsonRpc.method} =>', jsonRpcString);
final Response res =
await post(uri, headers: headers, body: jsonRpcString);
final Map<String, dynamic> jsonResponse =
json.decode(res.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final JRpcResponse jrpcResponse = JRpcResponse.fromJson(jsonResponse);
final JRpcError? error = jrpcResponse.error;
if (error != null) {
throw CaptureException(error.code, error.message);
} else {
return jrpcResponse;
// ignore: unused_catch_clause
} on CaptureException catch (err) {
} catch (err) {
throw CaptureException(SktErrors.ESKT_COMMUNICATIONERROR,
'There was an error during communication.', err.toString());
final JRpcResponse response = await helper(request);
logger?.log('${request.method} <=', json.encode(response.toString()));
if (request.method == 'openclient') {
/// we want to start the web service here if we can
openWebSocket((dynamic event) {
/// send a waitForEvent
final CaptureResult? result = response.captureResult;
if (result == null) {
throw Exception('Unexpected response');
final Map<String, dynamic> waitForEvent = JRpcRequest(
id: '1',
method: 'waitforcaptureevent',
params: Params(handle: result.handle))
final String waitForEventString = json.encode(waitForEvent);
//use sink.add to send data to server
return response;