getTrianglesInAABB method
Get triangles in a local AABB from the trimesh. @param result An array of integers, referencing the queried triangles.
List<int> getTrianglesInAABB(AABB aabb, List<int> result){
AABB unscaledAABB = aabb.clone();
// Scale it to local
final scale = this.scale;
final isx = scale.x;
final isy = scale.y;
final isz = scale.z;
final l = unscaledAABB.lowerBound;
final u = unscaledAABB.upperBound;
l.x /= isx;
l.y /= isy;
l.z /= isz;
u.x /= isx;
u.y /= isy;
u.z /= isz;
return tree.aabbQuery(unscaledAABB, result);