readBytes function

Future<Uint8List> readBytes(
  1. Uri url, {
  2. Map<String, String>? headers,
  3. CancellationToken? cancellationToken,

Sends an HTTP GET request with the given headers to the given URL and returns a Future that completes to the body of the response as a list of bytes.

The Future will emit a ClientException if the response doesn't have a success status code.

This automatically initializes a new Client and closes that client once the request is complete. If you're planning on making multiple requests to the same server, you should use a single Client for all of those requests.

For more fine-grained control over the request and response, use Request instead.


Future<Uint8List> readBytes(
  Uri url, {
  Map<String, String>? headers,
  CancellationToken? cancellationToken,
}) =>
    _withClient((client) => client.readBytes(
          headers: headers,
          cancellationToken: cancellationToken,