convertNV21ToRGB function

void convertNV21ToRGB(
  1. Uint8List yuvBytes,
  2. Uint8List vuBytes,
  3. int width,
  4. int height,
  5. Image image,


void convertNV21ToRGB(Uint8List yuvBytes, Uint8List vuBytes, int width, int height, image_lib.Image image) {
  // Conversion logic from NV21 to RGB
  // ...

  // Example conversion logic using the `imageLib` package
  // This is just a placeholder and may not be the most efficient method
  for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      final yIndex = y * width + x;
      final uvIndex = (y ~/ 2) * (width ~/ 2) + (x ~/ 2);

      final yValue = yuvBytes[yIndex];
      final uValue = vuBytes[uvIndex * 2];
      final vValue = vuBytes[uvIndex * 2 + 1];

      // Convert YUV to RGB
      final r = yValue + 1.402 * (vValue - 128);
      final g = yValue - 0.344136 * (uValue - 128) - 0.714136 * (vValue - 128);
      final b = yValue + 1.772 * (uValue - 128);

      // Set the RGB pixel values in the Image instance
      image.setPixelRgba(x, y, r.toInt(), g.toInt(), b.toInt(), 255);