CamCodeScanner constructor

  1. bool showDebugFrames = false,
  2. required Function onBarcodeResult,
  3. required double width,
  4. required double height,
  5. int refreshDelayMillis = 1000,
  6. CamCodeScannerController? controller,
  7. Color backgroundColor = Colors.black54,
  8. bool showScannerLine = true,
  9. int minimalResultCount = 2,

Camera barcode scanner widget Params:

  • showDebugFrames true|false - shows the current analysing picture
  • onBarcodeResult - call back to trigger on barcode result
  • width, height - dimensions
  • refreshDelayMillis - delay between to picture analysis


  this.showDebugFrames = false,
  required this.onBarcodeResult,
  required this.width,
  required this.height,
  this.refreshDelayMillis = 1000,
  this.backgroundColor = Colors.black54,
  this.showScannerLine = true,
  this.minimalResultCount = 2,