query static method
Future<Iterable<CallLogEntry> >
- int? dateFrom,
- int? dateTo,
- int? durationFrom,
- int? durationTo,
- DateTime? dateTimeFrom,
- DateTime? dateTimeTo,
- String? name,
- String? number,
- CallType? type,
- String? numbertype,
- String? numberlabel,
- String? cachedNumberType,
- String? cachedNumberLabel,
- String? cachedMatchedNumber,
- String? phoneAccountId,
Query call history log entries dateFrom: unix timestamp. precision in millis. Use only one of dateFrom dateTimeFrom dateTo: unix timestamp. precision in millis. Use only one of dateTo dateTimeTo dateTimeFrom: DateTime. Same as dateFrom, but accepting DateTime. Use only one of dateFrom dateTimeFrom dateTimeTo: DateTime. Same as dateTo, but accepting DateTime. Use only one of dateTo dateTimeTo durationFrom: minimal call length in seconds durationTo: minimal call length in seconds name: call participant name (present only if in contacts) number: call participant phone number type: value from CallType enum
static Future<Iterable<CallLogEntry>> query({
int? dateFrom,
int? dateTo,
int? durationFrom,
int? durationTo,
DateTime? dateTimeFrom,
DateTime? dateTimeTo,
String? name,
String? number,
CallType? type,
String? numbertype,
String? numberlabel,
String? cachedNumberType,
String? cachedNumberLabel,
String? cachedMatchedNumber,
String? phoneAccountId,
}) async {
assert(!(dateFrom != null && dateTimeFrom != null), 'use only one of dateTimeFrom/dateFrom');
assert(!(dateTo != null && dateTimeTo != null), 'use only one of dateTimeTo/dateTo');
//NOTE: Since we are accepting date params both as timestamps and DateTime objects
// we need to determine which one to use
int? _dateFrom = dateFrom;
_dateFrom ??= dateTimeFrom?.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
int? _dateTo = dateTo;
_dateTo ??= dateTimeTo?.millisecondsSinceEpoch;
final Map<String, String?> params = <String, String?>{
'dateFrom': _dateFrom?.toString(),
'dateTo': _dateTo?.toString(),
'durationFrom': durationFrom?.toString(),
'durationTo': durationTo?.toString(),
'name': name,
'number': number,
'type': type?.index == null ? null : (type!.index + 1).toString(),
'cachedNumberType': cachedNumberType,
'cachedNumberLabel': cachedNumberLabel,
'cachedMatchedNumber': cachedMatchedNumber,
'phoneAccountId': phoneAccountId,
final Iterable<dynamic>? records = await _channel.invokeMethod('query', params);
return records?.map((dynamic m) => CallLogEntry.fromMap(m)) ?? _EMPTY_RESULT;