datesOfWeek method

List<DateTime> datesOfWeek()

Returns The List of date of Current Week Day will start from Monday to Sunday.

ex: if Current Date instance is 8th and day is wednesday then weekDates will return dates 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Where on 6th there will be monday and on 12th there will be Sunday


List<DateTime> datesOfWeek() {
  // weekday can very from 1(Monday) to 7(Sunday).
  // If we have a date that has week day of 3 (Wednesday) and
  // we want to find first date of the week that contains this date
  // we need to move 2 days back. Wednesday -> Tuesday -> Monday.
  // That is same as 3 - 1 (weekday - 1).
  final start = subtract(Duration(days: weekday - 1));

  return [
    start.add(Duration(days: 1)),
    start.add(Duration(days: 2)),
    start.add(Duration(days: 3)),
    start.add(Duration(days: 4)),
    start.add(Duration(days: 5)),
    start.add(Duration(days: 6)),