
The tiniest unit tester, built for dart

How to write unit tests

  • Cake will search for anything that has .cake.dart for the file name in the directory that it's run in
  • Example of how to write unit tests:
import 'package:cake/expect.dart';
import 'package:cake/test.dart';

void main(List<String> arguments) async {
  TestRunnerDefault('Simple Test Suite', [
    Test('True is true - shorthand', expected: true, actual: true),
    Test('True is true - assertion',
        assertions: (test) => [
              Expect(ExpectType.equals, expected: true, actual: true),
      'True is true, set in setup',
      setup: (context) {
        context.expected = true;
        context.actual = true;
      'True is true, set in action',
      action: (context) {
        context.expected = true;
        context.actual = true;

You can also define a context that can pass variables from parents and test stages.

  TestRunner<ExtraContext>('Test Suite with Extra Context', [
    Group('Can detect Foo', 
        Test('Foo is True', assertions: (test) => [
      setup: (test) { = true;

  // ....
  class ExtraContext extends Context {
    bool foo = false;

Expect Matches

  • equals
  • isEqual *
  • isNotEqual
  • isNull
  • isNotNull
  • isType **
  • isTrue
  • isFalse
  • equals and isEqual can be used interchangeably. ** isType will need a generic defined or else it will always pass as true as it thinks the type is dynamic.

How to run the test runner

  • The package will need to run globally. Install via this command: dart pub global activate cake
  • After it's installed, you can run it by using dart run cake in the directory that you want to run your tests in. It will search any files in the directory or any sub-folders ending with cake.dart.
  • You can also add flags to run specific tests or view output from specific tests.


File name filter

  • -f [fileName]
    • Filters tests based off of file name
    • EX: dart run cake -f foo will test 'test-foo.cake.dart'

Verbose mode

  • -v or --verbose
    • Displays full output of summary and tests run

Test Filter

  • -t [testFilter], --tt [testFilter], --tte [testName], --tg [groupFilter], --tge [groupName], --tr [testRunnerFilter], --tre [testRunnerName]
    • All of these do similar things, which filters based off of title of the item. You can also use certain tags to run only a group, test runner, or a specific test.
    • Note - search is case-sensitive.
    • Examples:
      • -t General search: dart run cake -t foo - Run all tests, groups, and runners with "foo" in the title
      • --tt Test search dart run cake --tt "cool test" - Run all tests with the phrase "cool test" in the title
      • --tte Test search, exact: dart run cake --tte "should only run when this one specific thing happens" - Runs only the test that matches the phrase exactly.
      • --tg Group search dart run cake --tg bar - Run all groups matching "bar" in the title
      • --tge Group search, exact: `dart run cake --tge "API Endpoints" - Runs all groups exactly matching the phrase "API Endpoints"
      • --tr Test Runner search: `dart run cake --tr "Models" - Runs all test runners with "Models" in the title
      • --tre Test Runner search, exact: dart run cake --tre "Models - User" - Runs test runners that exactly match the phrase "Models - User"

Interactive mode

  • -i
    • Allows for repeatedly running tests. You can also use the test filters similar to non-interactive mode's syntax.