clean method

Result<int, CachetteError> clean({
  1. int? sizeLimit,
  2. EvictionPolicy? policy,

Cleans the cache, i.e. removes enough cache items to meet sizeLimit. If sizeLimit isn't provided, the size of the Cachette is used, which is the most likely use case. policy can be used to override the Cachette's eviction policy.


Result<int, CachetteError> clean({int? sizeLimit, EvictionPolicy? policy}) {
  sizeLimit ??= size;
  policy ??= evictionPolicy;
  int toEvict = length - sizeLimit;
  if (toEvict < 1) {
    return Result.ok(0);

  if (policy == EvictionPolicy.dontEvict) {
    return Result.error(CacheFullError());

  List<K> keys = gather(policy, toEvict);
  return _evictMany(keys);