simple<CacheContentType> static method

SimpleCachedValue<CacheContentType> simple<CacheContentType>(
  1. ComputeCacheCallback<CacheContentType> callback

Creates a CachedValue that is only manually invalidated. The main CachedValue constructor is a shorthand for this method.

This cache type will only be considered invalid if invalidate is called manually.

Usage example:

int factorial(int n) {
  if (n < 0) throw ('Negative numbers are not allowed.');
  return n <= 1 ? 1 : n * factorial(n - 1);

int originalValue =1;
final factorialCache = CachedValue.simple(() => factorial(originalValue));
print(factorialCache.value); // 1

originalValue = 6;

print(factorialCache.value); // 1

print(factorialCache.value); // 720

See also:


static SimpleCachedValue<CacheContentType> simple<CacheContentType>(
    ComputeCacheCallback<CacheContentType> callback) {
  return SimpleCachedValue<CacheContentType>(callback);